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  • Emelia Kenlock

looking back at 2023

2023 was another interesting year for the Kenlock Archive! We have been so busy working on projects, exhibitions and archiving. Below are a few highlights and updates of our work with other organisations and collaborators.

George The Poet’s Anthology

One of Neil's images taken at a British Black Panther march in Brixton was featured in a collage on the cover of George The Poet's publication. The Anthology is a collection of George's poetry work.

Life Between Islands Postcards

Neil's 'Black Panther School bags' photo was printed on postcards that are available at the Tate Britain shop following the Life Between Islands exhibition. The exhibition project launched in 2022 and that image was part of the collection.

KS3 History Textbook

Hodder Education published a textbook for the KS3 History syllabus and included Neil's photo of the influential campaigner Olive Morris. The image will give some visual context to support the text, which explores 'Black Lives in Britain, c.1500–present'.

The Missing Thread at Somerset House

The Missing Thread exhibition is the first of its kind at Somerset House, telling the stories of several generations of black fashion, design, and cultural creativity. Neil had two prints on display, 'Keep Britain White' and the 'Three Rastas'.

National Theatre Production

Neil's work was also featured in a digital display for a theatre production at the National Theatre. The image of Olive Morris was used as part of the narrative where the characters were paying homage to inspirational Black British women.


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